Friday, February 8, 2013

Church Planting Workshop Day 2

Today we again had around 20 people present (which included a few new church leaders). We started by presenting biblical models for church planting (Peter and Cornelius and the church started with Cornelius' household—Acts 10; Paul and Barnabus sent out from Antioch—Acts 13-14; Aquilla and Priscilla who were self-supporting and held a church in their home—Acts 18, Rom. 16).
The church leaders then considered Acts 1:8 and where Jesus told His followers where they would be witnesses for Him. What is their Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. In their groups, they considered what criteria they should use to determine where to start new churches. The basic principles are to go to people who are neglected, who are receptive to the Gospel, and who are easy to reach (whom God has opened doors for the work).
Probably, the most powerful activity of the day (and likely the whole workshop) is when the participants developed maps of their locations where they live and minister in their churches right now. The leaders met in groups of 2-3 based on those who work together or who are in similar geographical areas as they work together and support one another. We then asked participants to pray about these maps and ask God to show them where he would have them plant new churches. In addition, we asked them to identify people within their churches who would be able to start this work now or who they could mentor to begin this process.
Galen and Paul delivered a skit (which is an integral part of the delivery of the workshop material so it is not all lecture) on what a mentoring session could look like. These pastors and leaders were presented with seven key things to do in each mentoring session. The question arose about how mature must believers and a church be to reproduce. As we see in nature, reproduction happens easiest in youth and this is the same in church multiplication. We mature as adults often as a result of our raising children. Church leaders also mature as they lead others to grow as disciples of Jesus. We as church leaders should intentionally mentor these leaders so they can continue to grow as they serve the body of Christ.
We thank you for your continued prayer for us workshop leaders and for our participants.

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